Episode 3: What blocks you from making good money as a teacher (and how to change it!)

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Teachers are poor.

Simple AF. That’s just the reality, the way things are, the status quo.


In this episode,  I provide insight into why teachers are so undervalued and underpaid (plain guesses still because I genuinely DON’T KNOW). Everything speaks against that notion – teachers make the world a better place, take years to qualify (usually), have a mission, vision, and deeper calling, and do their jobs selflessly. Why do they not get compensated for that?

You may have similar reflections to mine on this, but what’s new in my perspective is that I understand how deeply rooted this problem is, and I offer solutions and tips on how to get out of that crappy situation! Because the change starts in us, in our classrooms, and online Zoom rooms.

Because, in fact, the only people responsible for our shitty pay are us.

Listen to the episode before you get outraged!

Thanks for tuning into the Get Richer Teacher Podcast! If you enjoyed today’s episode, head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe, rate, and leave your honest review. Connect with me on Instagram, visit my website for even more detailed strategies, and be sure to share your favourite episodes on social media. Get your free marketing 10 ways to find students for your language classes here.

Now, it’s time to go get richer, teacher!