Episode 20: 5 inconvenient truths about the ELT world that nobody talks about

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We all know that the ELT industry kinda sucks. And I’m not saying it to complain. Although, as a person from Poland, I’m a PRO at moaning!

I’m saying this to raise awareness, motivate, empower and kick your bum!

I’ve recorded this episode full of conflicting emotions – anger, enthusiasm, annoyance, and hope. So if you want to know what, in my opinion, are the 5 things that we all know about but don’t talk about enough in the English Teaching world, listen to this episode.

Be prepared for a rant about native-speakerism, the worth of the industry on the global market, not seeing the bigger picture, and quick fixes that we constantly expect and give out. 

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Now, it’s time to go get richer, teacher!