Episode 148 5 common myths about group language courses debunked

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In episode 148 of the Get Richer, Teacher podcast, I dive into the world of group language courses and explore five common myths that could be holding you back from growing your business. If you’ve been trying to scale or shift from one-to-one lessons and it hasn’t worked, this episode is for you.

The myths I discussed:

  1. People only care about reaching language levels (A2, B1, C1).
  2. Offering multiple group options (times, levels) is better.
  3. People need months or years to reach their language goals.
  4. Groups are only appealing because they’re cheaper than one-to-one lessons.
  5. You can sell groups the same way you sell one-on-one lessons.

Tune in for a bonus myth and practical tips to scale your teaching business effectively and grow with high-impact group offers!
Come and build a group language course your clients will love in my live challenge 11-13th November. Sign up here.


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Hey, I’m Ola!

For the last 3 years I have been helping language teachers and coaches like you build profitable, sustainable and enjoyable businesses. I used to be a teacher, a teacher trainer and even ran my own language school in the past, but I am now focused on coaching teachers full-time (and I love it!) So far I have helped over 600 language educators from all over the world and my mission is to see the world where teachers thrive, enjoy the hell out of life and their job and have a great impact on their students lives, mainly through getting better at marketing and selling fabulous language group programs and definitely without burnout or selling their souls.

You can learn from me for free:

We can work together in 3 different ways at 3 different stages of your business as well:

  • if you’re freelancing as a language teacher or coach and want to get better at getting paying clients, check out Rocket Fuel
  • if you’re ready to scale beyond 1:1s and want to build a profitable, sustainable and fun business with a group program at its core, then Rocket Accelerator is for you
  • or check out my 1:1 package

Whatever you choose – I’m totally committed to your success! Go get richer, teacher!