Episode 117 What business model will allow you to have a profitable, sustainable and enjoyable teaching business

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As a teacher business coach, I specialise in helping my clients develop businesses that are not only profitable and sustainable but also bring them genuine joy. In episode 117 of the Get richer, teacher podcast I’m sharing insights into four business models, examining their pros and cons in relation to these three crucial components of a successful teaching business.

Here’s my take on these elements:

– Profitability is about earning enough to cover expenses, provide financial security and enhance your overall quality of life.

– Sustainability involves crafting a business model that seamlessly integrates with your lifestyle, allowing you to balance work with personal commitments such as family, hobbies and other responsibilities.

– Enjoyment is subjective, but for many of my clients, it involves maintaining a meaningful connection with their students. Most of them are not willing to completely abandon teaching.

Listen to the episode to learn about the costs and benefits associated with four popular business models: one-to-one teaching, selling digital products, memberships and group programs and which of them is my favourite! 


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Thanks for tuning into the Get Richer Teacher Podcast! If you enjoyed today’s episode, head over to Apple Podcasts to subscribe, rate, and leave your honest review and make sure to subscribe to it on my Youtube channel!

How we can work together:

You can get my 3-week self-paced foundational curse for teachers who want to grow their language teaching businesses, the Rocket Take Off.

Or if you’re further along in your journey and want to scale beyond 1:1s, sell groups and other products while teaching the language on your own terms, then consider the Rocket Accelerator.

How we can work together for free

  • you can listen to this podcasts weekly, on Mondays on Youtube or wherever you get your podcasts.
  • you can read my blog
  • you can follow me on Instagram where I share tons of tips and inspiration for teachers in business


Hey, I’m Ola!

For the last 2 years I have been helping language teachers like you build online brands, connect with their perfect students and make more money. I used to be a teacher, a teacher trainer and even ran my own language school in the past, but I am now focused on coaching teachers full-time (and I love it!) So far I have helped over 400 language educators from all over the world and my mission is to see the world where teachers thrive, enjoy the hell out of life and their job and have a great impact on their students lives (without burnout or selling their souls).