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Wee hee! Let's add some fuel to your marketing!🚀

You have successfully completed your purchase and are in the Rocket Fuel program! Now what?

Check your inbox!

You will receive an email with login details to the Circle platform and a copy of your invoice (check your spam)!


Send me an email at hello@olakowalska.com if you haven't received those emails!

Click the link in your email to sign up with Circle!

Circle is the platform where the course lessons and the community are hosted. The link will prompt you to create a profile and complete it.

You can then go on and download the Circle Communities app onto your phone!

Watch the welcome lesson and complete your success guide!

When you log in to the platform - make sure that you watch the platform guide and get a little look around. The complete the welcome  lesson and your success guide. This will make it more likely that you'll succeed in the program!

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