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Want some content ideas too?

Get the next 90 days of your Instagram content planned out for you so you can attract more students without the overwhelm, self-doubt or procrastination.

Marketing sorted ✔️

Imagine if someone could tell you exactly what to post everyday
to attract more language students…

You wouldn’t have to worry about coming up with countless content ideas daily.

You wouldn’t have to keep comparing yourself to what all the other teachers are doing.

You wouldn’t have to feel like marketing is a massive drain on your time, energy and passion.

And you wouldn’t have to spend so much time searching for answers, trying random Instagram hacks or feeling stressed about getting consistent.

Instead, you could focus on teaching the language, growing your business and making a huge impact on your lovely students.

Marketing doesn’t have to feel like
an exhausting full-time job

It can actually be enjoyable, effective AND completely manageable within a few hours every week…

… if you just have a clear, actionable plan that tells you exactly what to do.

Even better? One that’s made especially for language teachers. 😁

Marketing Sorted ✔️ allows you to stop posting random content and start sharing strategic posts that bring students to you.

Know exactly what kind of things to post and when to attract the right kind of students

Never run out of content ideas again with a plan you can rinse and repeat as many times as you want

Understand what actually works on social media for language teachers (no, it’s not random pieces of vocab!)

Feel prodded to take action and finally start increasing your visibility and SELLING (in a non-sleazy way)

Have more time to focus on growing your business and impacting all your fabulous new students

Your next 90-days of content are already planned for you

Here’s everything you get with Marketing Sorted ✔️:

A 3-month marketing plan

90 days of teacher-specific content ideas, prompts and examples fully planned for you in a handy Google sheet - all based on a proven strategy that works for me and my clients.

On top of that you're getting other marketing prompts and tasks that will improve your visibility and results daily through networking and speaking to people!

A video walkthrough

You’ll get a biiiiig dose of Ola Kowalska energy in a welcome video which explains how to use your marketing plan and follow the strategy for the best possible results.

A SUper duper community and app access

You'll also be getting access the my wonderful Richer Teachers community full of other language nerds like you. As well as a course platform where you can interact and get support from me by asking questions. Prefer to use it on your phone? No problem! The resource comes with handy app access.

And yes, it’s only £49 £29
- money you will easily make back with your first new student from social media. 😁

This may be less than the price of an average language coursebook, but still…

You’ll also get two amazing bonuses! 🤩

99 ideas for social media content

Never wonder feel lost for content ideas again with this super useful guide of creative content ideas. Get inspired to keep your social media fun, engaging and COMPLETELY different to everyone else.

Marketing Roadmap Webinar

Get access to my popular £47 social media webinar FOR FREE and discover my step-by-step process for marketing your magic and speaking to the perfect (paying) students.

I achieved more than I thought I could

You are a rare person who makes things real, tangible, and understandable regarding how to move forward. You are very inspirational, and I have adopted much of your go-get-it mindset. Every time I listen to you, I know that everything is possible. You speak in a simple, realistic way, which helped me pull myself together and get out of my head. I raised prices, created courses, learned how to write newsletters, and tried to find my voice, all thanks to you. You explained that nobody but me can be my best advisor and that I have to trust my gut. I’ve been through many downs where I wanted to quit, but your super-motivation kept me going. You taught me that the journey is never-ending, but it’s okay. The struggle is real, but as long as I take action, I’m okay. I’ve had the best income so far due to your push to take uncomfortable actions, and I achieved more than I thought I could—creating courses that sell and 1:1 sessions at prices I didn’t think anyone would pay, but people do buy them. Thank You, Ola ♥️

Ieva Jakubauskaitė Gydrienė


Ready to see your brand-new marketing plan?

Marketing Sorted was made for you if…

You’re a language teacher who is currently only attracting students through word of mouth, but you want a more reliable flow of enquiries to keep the worries at bay
You want to grow a thriving freelance teaching business, but you don’t really understand how this marketing thing works, and you would like some support!
You are an action taker who just needs a friendly prod in the right direction to start with building your social media presence
You have tried tons of marketing strategies and advice from gurus, and now you want to know what works specifically for language teachers

And it’s probably not for you if…

You already have an marketing plan that you enjoy and that is effective at bringing in students to your business
You know that you will download this and leave it sitting collecting digital dust - I WANT you to take action
You are not a language teacher who is growing an online business, and you have no interest in marketing yourself (how did you end up here!? 😅)

You might be wondering...

What if I don’t have a social media page yet?

No problem! This marketing plan will give you tons of ideas and inspiration on where to start. And if starting IS the biggest roadblock for you right now, it won’t be once you download the bundle.

Will you help me convert my existing followers into paying students?

In short - yes! This training is a roadmap of what to do for best results and that includes marketing with one goal in mind - you selling out your lessons and courses. So if you already have a bunch of followers on any social media platform but they are not buying your stuff or they're only interested in buying cheap stuff, this will also be great for you.

Will you actually plan my individual posts?

For £49? No… 😂

This plan is done-for-you in that it gives you content prompts that tell you what type of things to post about, as well as examples for every weekday. Each day includes tips on which platform you may want to post on as well as how long the content should take you.

In short, I won’t be creating your individual posts, but I’ll be giving you so much inspiration you won’t even feel like you need that.

I’ve tried loads of marketing products before. How do I know this will work?

I use this strategy myself to market my own business, where I get new enquiries from ideal clients every single week. I also teach it to my clients - many of them have seen amazing results from following the plan.

What if I don’t like the product?

Based on the feedback I’ve received, I think you will. But if you have any sneaky suspicion that you won’t like Marketing Sorted, then please ask me any questions before you purchase - because there are no refunds available!

What if I have questions?

No problem! You will get an invite to my private client-only Facebook group where you can ask me or the other participants as many questions as you want. Plus you will be getting invited to regular free events, Q&As and have a chance to network and collaborate with a bunch of amazing people!

Marketing doesn’t have to feel like a massive waste of time.

Instead, you could be focusing on what you love best: teaching the language and impacting your wonderful students.

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