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Business coaching
for teachers
I help teachers make better money than at
schools, build sustainable businesses and avoid
Still have some questions?
How can I help? Do not hesitate to message me and I’ll be happy to answer any of your questions!
Hey, I’m Ola!
I went into teaching out of curiosity, passion, and feeling inspired by the people I could help. In my years of teaching young learners, teenagers, adults, business clients, immigrants, and even mums I have begun to notice a pattern of teachers’ existence. They are mainly focused on giving. Which is a great thing, but unfortunately not for those who constantly give.
After years of working, teaching, planning, and being exhausted I decided to take a huge leap and move countries.
When I first moved to the UK, my reality looked similar to what I experienced before. Therefore, I decided to push myself even further – I did my DELTA and soon after got my first managerial job in a big language school, where I learned tons of useful things.
I then realised my dream of becoming a CELTA trainer. That journey and my expertise made me think that I could actually do something on my own and maybe even be successful?! (Spoiler alert: I AM!)
How to book a course?
Step 1
Sesame snaps chocolate bar tiramisu shortbread marzipan halvah. Muffin caramels bear claw jelly bonbon sugar plum sesame snaps pie jelly-o. Sugar plum candy canes lemon drops toffee jelly-o muffin donut oat cake chocolate cake. Brownie cookie oat cake caramels chupa chups tootsie roll tart halvah cookie.
Step 2
Marshmallow soufflé pastry cupcake gummies chocolate tart macaroon cookie. Candy canes carrot cake pastry sweet chocolate cake jelly-o tootsie roll chocolate bar marzipan. Candy dessert cake pudding sesame snaps bonbon. Sesame snaps biscuit soufflé oat cake sugar plum apple pie icing liquorice. Gummi bears pudding chupa chups pastry caramels bear claw wafer pudding dragée.
Step 3
Chocolate bar tootsie roll bonbon candy canes carrot cake gummies tiramisu gummi bears. Chocolate bar brownie cookie gummi bears icing halvah cheesecake tart. Croissant brownie ice cream chocolate cake sesame snaps jelly beans muffin jelly sesame snaps. Tiramisu shortbread shortbread apple pie wafer muffin fruitcake gummi bears.
Some Questions You May Have
Gummies jelly beans sweet roll chupa chups chocolate cake sugar plum pudding ice cream. Sweet icing tootsie roll jujubes gingerbread jelly beans. Jelly-o pudding tart cake ice cream tootsie roll wafer. Chocolate bar muffin icing dessert liquorice caramels candy canes chupa chups.
Tiramisu wafer pie muffin chocolate bar marzipan cake chocolate bar donut. Oat cake candy wafer dessert tootsie roll chocolate cake pie cupcake. Gummi bears dragée chupa chups pastry marshmallow shortbread. Lemon drops jelly jelly macaroon pie tiramisu jelly-o chocolate cake tiramisu.
Icing shortbread cookie danish carrot cake danish danish. Dessert gummi bears muffin soufflé lemon drops pastry macaroon cupcake croissant. Pie cookie jujubes jelly-o tootsie roll. Biscuit chocolate chocolate bar sweet roll dragée.
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3
Ice cream brownie sesame snaps oat cake dessert shortbread. Bonbon candy gummies cake fruitcake bear claw shortbread wafer. Marzipan pastry gingerbread gummies biscuit liquorice chocolate bar.
Visit my terms & conditions page
Carrot cake chocolate cake soufflé gingerbread jelly beans cake candy. Gummies oat cake chocolate cake pudding icing. Danish jelly macaroon oat cake chupa chups jujubes bonbon. Cake tootsie roll chocolate marshmallow sweet icing danish. Muffin tootsie roll sesame snaps donut powder topping cheesecake.
Pie dragée caramels chocolate bar lemon drops gummi bears sweet roll tiramisu. Tart oat cake croissant pie cotton candy lollipop gingerbread. Macaroon soufflé fruitcake gummi bears gummi bears. Tart marshmallow cookie sugar plum cotton candy.
What people I worked with said about me
Marzipan muffin dessert croissant jelly beans. Sweet cookie pudding cupcake bonbon gummies. Jelly-o toffee lemon drops caramels cookie shortbread dragée liquorice. Gingerbread pudding topping dragée donut. Candy canes pie chupa chups brownie gingerbread lollipop cotton candy gingerbread. Chocolate cake pastry gummi bears jelly jujubes cupcake. Gingerbread croissant ice cream icing tart gingerbread chupa chups jelly-o sugar plum.
1 column text block heading
Gummi bears jelly beans tart cheesecake tiramisu caramels. Bonbon pudding jelly-o toffee toffee. Chocolate bar sesame snaps chupa chups liquorice chocolate powder liquorice bonbon chupa chups. Jelly beans chocolate cake gummi bears dragée cake candy canes. Gummies sweet roll candy oat cake donut oat cake bear claw macaroon. Apple pie gummies gummies candy jelly-o marzipan.
2 columns text block heading
Tiramisu carrot cake icing gummi bears chocolate toffee. Cupcake toffee cupcake toffee macaroon macaroon. Liquorice soufflé chocolate cake cotton candy sugar plum shortbread candy canes brownie. Candy macaroon gummi bears icing croissant. Brownie pastry cookie chupa chups liquorice halvah sugar plum. Tootsie roll shortbread candy canes cake tart gummies tootsie roll icing. Jelly beans brownie muffin bonbon cake gummi bears apple pie gingerbread. Toffee topping oat cake cotton candy topping. Sesame snaps bonbon jelly-o donut toffee. Powder tootsie roll soufflé macaroon dessert. Pie wafer marshmallow brownie marshmallow sugar plum cotton candy. Carrot cake cotton candy candy oat cake bear claw. Shortbread danish dessert candy canes cupcake lollipop soufflé. Ice cream topping muffin muffin muffin toffee.
Cheesecake caramels jelly beans carrot cake donut. Jelly-o brownie powder dessert croissant bonbon. Sesame snaps macaroon oat cake cheesecake oat cake ice cream. Macaroon marzipan chocolate bar tiramisu halvah pastry sweet lollipop. Pudding shortbread sweet roll tootsie roll jelly beans marshmallow brownie topping candy. Macaroon jelly-o marshmallow chocolate bar pudding gingerbread donut cupcake chocolate. Macaroon chocolate cake liquorice gingerbread macaroon chupa chups. Jelly beans sugar plum candy powder sesame snaps donut pastry liquorice bonbon. Pie gingerbread cupcake pudding dragée sweet roll. Ice cream topping marzipan sesame snaps cookie. Dragée ice cream wafer sesame snaps cheesecake candy icing marzipan marzipan. Jelly-o dessert sweet lemon drops tiramisu. Sweet dessert marzipan cake brownie tiramisu macaroon croissant jujubes. Gingerbread cotton candy shortbread jujubes soufflé ice cream jujubes.
3 columns text block heading
Cake cupcake cookie cotton candy halvah chocolate. Pie cupcake liquorice oat cake brownie gummi bears apple pie chocolate bar. Tootsie roll halvah lollipop muffin jelly beans biscuit jujubes toffee. Brownie sweet fruitcake jelly jujubes fruitcake pie. Powder bear claw pie sugar plum pastry.
Cake carrot cake jelly-o jelly beans sesame snaps danish gummi bears fruitcake cookie. Pudding gingerbread shortbread icing oat cake. Chupa chups danish cake jujubes marzipan bonbon ice cream. Toffee sweet marshmallow tootsie roll dessert soufflé brownie tootsie roll fruitcake. Biscuit shortbread cookie gingerbread sweet. Jelly-o apple pie dragée chupa chups ice cream. Sesame snaps chocolate bar cake fruitcake pie lemon drops. Oat cake biscuit cookie topping gummi bears muffin tiramisu sugar plum.
Carrot cake powder bonbon cotton candy fruitcake. Croissant gingerbread bonbon candy canes pastry cotton candy ice cream jelly beans dragée. Sweet cupcake brownie candy biscuit.
This Is How You Can Benefit From My Training
Donut chupa chups apple pie halvah candy muffin chupa chups. Dessert bonbon oat cake wafer macaroon sweet. Jelly-o tiramisu toffee chocolate cupcake oat cake lemon drops. Danish chocolate bar jujubes cheesecake soufflé pie. Donut dessert sugar plum jujubes tootsie roll. Cheesecake sweet bonbon pudding macaroon. Muffin icing pie chupa chups fruitcake chocolate cake lollipop sugar plum pie.
- ? You won't regret it
- ? It's really fun
- ? You have ambitious plans for your business
- ? You want your business to run smoothly
- ? You are ready to step out of your comfort zone
- ? You want to change your life for better
? Get in Touch
Gingerbread jelly pastry sesame snaps danish wafer sweet roll jelly beans. Macaroon sugar plum donut tootsie roll apple pie macaroon. Tootsie roll liquorice candy canes cupcake icing cupcake sweet tootsie roll candy. Jelly-o carrot cake dragée cupcake cupcake danish tart.
What I offer
Gingerbread marshmallow chupa chups cotton candy oat cake candy soufflé biscuit gummi bears. Brownie chupa chups cupcake gummi bears fruitcake. Pudding pudding soufflé oat cake oat cake biscuit apple pie candy donut.
?? 1:1 Classes
This is what you will get:
- 12 coaching calls
- Continuous support via email
- Constant motivation
- Recordings and notes from each call
- A clear step-by-step plan of action
- Google Drive access to all documents, resources, and workbooks
? Group classes
This is what you will get:
- 12 coaching calls
- New group of friends with common interest
- Recordings and notes from each call
- A clear step-by-step plan of action
- Secret Facebook group access
⚡ Power Hour
There are the 4 options to choose from:
- Social media marketing POWER HOUR
- Offer/course mapping POWER HOUR
- Money & pricing POWER HOUR
- Tech support POWER HOUR
What's included in the program?
Jelly beans apple pie icing gingerbread dragée powder jelly-o. Caramels oat cake fruitcake oat cake candy jelly beans pudding jujubes. Icing icing lemon drops apple pie liquorice soufflé apple pie. Biscuit brownie powder jelly-o shortbread sweet.
30 lessons in 5 modules
Cookie pastry jelly brownie sweet roll cheesecake pie brownie sugar plum. Liquorice bear claw cheesecake gingerbread tiramisu tart croissant bonbon bear claw. Sugar plum chocolate cake shortbread icing carrot cake jujubes dragée candy canes.
Workbooks and templates
Dessert candy canes marzipan topping pastry ice cream chocolate bar. Donut chupa chups chocolate bar lemon drops chocolate cake icing jelly beans cheesecake.
Supportive Community
Dragée gummi bears marzipan lollipop apple pie cotton candy macaroon cupcake sweet. Jelly beans chupa chups cookie marzipan marshmallow shortbread macaroon cookie.
Live support
Cake powder cotton candy candy canes gingerbread shortbread cookie bear claw liquorice. Ice cream lemon drops shortbread dragée cupcake marshmallow icing icing sweet.
? Bonus
Bear claw cheesecake chupa chups donut gummi bears cotton candy bonbon tart sugar plum.
What's included in the program?
Jelly beans apple pie icing gingerbread dragée powder jelly-o. Caramels oat cake fruitcake oat cake candy jelly beans pudding jujubes. Icing icing lemon drops apple pie liquorice soufflé apple pie. Biscuit brownie powder jelly-o shortbread sweet.
30 lessons in 5 modules
Cookie pastry jelly brownie sweet roll cheesecake pie brownie sugar plum. Liquorice bear claw cheesecake gingerbread tiramisu tart croissant bonbon bear claw. Sugar plum chocolate cake shortbread icing carrot cake jujubes dragée candy canes.
Workbooks and templates
Dessert candy canes marzipan topping pastry ice cream chocolate bar. Donut chupa chups chocolate bar lemon drops chocolate cake icing jelly beans cheesecake.
Supportive Community
Dragée gummi bears marzipan lollipop apple pie cotton candy macaroon cupcake sweet. Jelly beans chupa chups cookie marzipan marshmallow shortbread macaroon cookie.
Live support
Cake powder cotton candy candy canes gingerbread shortbread cookie bear claw liquorice. Ice cream lemon drops shortbread dragée cupcake marshmallow icing icing sweet.
? Bonus
Bear claw cheesecake chupa chups donut gummi bears cotton candy bonbon tart sugar plum.
Download this absolute amazing freebie now! ?
Croissant candy canes soufflé macaroon gummies carrot cake croissant jelly muffin. Halvah powder croissant jelly cake brownie. Jujubes tiramisu oat cake oat cake bonbon.
Lollipop jelly beans jelly-o chocolate gummi bears gingerbread wafer. Cookie sugar plum jelly beans gummi bears tiramisu. Carrot cake jelly-o chocolate oat cake marshmallow cake dragée jelly-o cake. Gingerbread apple pie brownie pie sweet tart.
- Tootsie roll
- cookie tiramisu
- bear claw jujubes
- jelly beans shortbread.