Episode 93 Do you charge too much for your lessons?

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In this podcast episode, I address the common concerns language teachers have about pricing their lessons and products. I emphasise the need for a strategic approach to pricing, highlighting that it is not just a random decision but a way to position oneself in the market and attract the right audience. The host explains that specialising in a certain area or target audience allows teachers to charge higher prices, as it demonstrates expertise and value. They also discuss the importance of understanding the customer journey and communicating the benefits and outcomes of language learning. Overall, the episode encourages teachers to have confidence in their pricing and to continually evaluate and adjust their prices as their business grows.

Make sure that you have a look at my £9 pricing course here to get help in that too!


Timestamped overview:

[0:00] In this podcast episode, the host addresses the common concern among teachers about charging too much and discusses the importance of pricing strategy.

[1:25] The host explains that pricing is not a random decision but should be based on positioning yourself in the market and attracting your target audience.

[3:30] The host emphasises the importance of specialisation and how it allows you to charge more for your services.

[5:45] The host shares her own experience as a business coach for teachers and how specialising in helping teachers has allowed her to set her own prices.

[8:00] The host advises teachers to know their audience well and spend time listening and experimenting with pricing.

[9:45] The host encourages teachers to communicate the value and benefits of their services effectively to justify their prices.

[12:00] The host explains that pricing should be based on the stage of the customer’s journey and the perceived value of the product or service.

[13:45] The host addresses common objections to higher prices and suggests positioning yourself as an expert solution to minimise price negotiations.

[15:30] The host summarizes the key points and assigns a homework task to evaluate pricing and target audience.

[16:30] The host concludes the episode, encourages sharing and subscribing, and thanks the audience for listening.


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Hey, I’m Ola!

For the last 2 years I have been helping language teachers like you build online brands, connect with their perfect students and make more money. I used to be a teacher, a teacher trainer and even ran my own language school in the past, but I am now focused on coaching teachers full-time (and I love it!) So far I have helped over 300 hundred language educators from all over the world and my mission is to see the world where teachers thrive, enjoy the hell out of life and their job and have a great impact on their students lives (without burnout or selling their souls).

How we can work together for free:

  • you can listen to this weekly podcast!
  • you can read my blog
  • you can watch my ’10 ways to find perfect students’ training for free here
  • you can request my ebook with 33 ideas for things you can sell as a teacher here
  • you can follow me on Instagram where I share tons of tips and inspiration for teachers in business

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Whatever you choose – I’m totally committed to your success! Go get richer, teacher!